Monday, November 5, 2007


Isn't change a weird thing? I was thinking about change and came to a conclusion, that it is weird. For bed you change your clothes, every 45 minutes you change your teacher, most of our families change with more people added and the favorite change is when you change the time your clock reads.

I woke up this weekend at 7:30 realizing that it was 8:30 to my body, at 10:00 I realized that I was so tired because it was 11:00 to my body so I started to wonder what change is. Every time we change it's a big deal. We can't change our pajamas out in the open instead we find a bathroom, it's hard to sleep in a different bed because it's change. Who's idea was it to change things like we do? I know that Ben Franklin wanted to have daylight savings time, but that is the only person who wanted to have a change like he got. In the Supreme Court their job is to look at all the laws and see what needs to be changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change can be a good or bad thing. But hey, it's what makes life so interesting!