Thursday, May 22, 2008

My letter thing

Dear Rees,I just wanted to get this out of the way at the start, but I think that you are an incredibly handsome young man. Phew! That lifts off a big burden.Thank you for peing involved in the Honors English program. You have worked hard to be where you are right now this close to completing Honors English. I have seen you fall behind (way behind), but I am proud that you caught up and are still working hard to achieve this. I hope that you have enjoyed reading the books and improving your writing skills because it seems like you have enjoyed it. It has been fun to have you as a part of our online class and thank you for sharing your profound and very deep comments with our class in your blogs. I appreciate your very first blog. It had no title and went on and on about the Indianapolis Colts (long live the Indianapolis Colts!), but it showed me that you are a very talented writer that has a good balance of interests.Once again I would like to thank you, and no I will not kcik you out of Honors English you have earned this.Much love, your number one fan,Mr. T

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